How to Kickstart Your Noodle During a Creative Block
"Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated." ( Paul Rand, graphic designer) Never does a page seem so bleak as when you experience a creative rut in design. Design ruts are the graphic artist’s equivalent of writer’s block. And everyone has been there! The world’s most imaginative people have experienced this obstacle and found a way to battle through. One benefit of getting stuck is that you’re forced to rediscover your own creativity! Need help getting started? Here are some different ways to break out of stagnation when you’re stuck on a design: 1. Think laterally Designs are ultimately problems waiting to be solved. When you are stymied by the project at hand, come at the problem from a different angle , no matter how extreme it might seem. One way to do this is to temporarily focus your thinking around individual parts of a message, like why a client might need your product...