Why Educated Confidence Will Carry You Far In Business
To say that confidence is an important quality for a business leader to have is an understatement. At any given time, your employees are going to be looking to you to make decisions and provide insight. They need to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you're confident in the actions you're taking. You need to know that you've given serious thought to the long, often difficult road ahead of you and that you're making the right move for the right task at the right time. If people can see that you believe in yourself, in your business, and what you've worked so hard to build, they'll start to believe in those things, too. But something many people often don't realize until it's far too late is that "confidence" and " educated confidence" are NOT the same thing. What is Educated Confidence? Trust, belief, faith, conviction - these are all among the most essential ingredients that go into creating a confident leader. But on...